
Commentaries on the Pentateuch: Genesis is unavailable, but you can change that!

There is no separation of history and theology in Genesis, nor in all the Bible. Our choice is between God and chance, between total meaning and total meaninglessness. Genesis is the starting point of sound theology because it declares God to be the Creator and therefore the determiner of all things. Without this premise, Christianity begins to disintegrate. The restoration of a strong faith...

This enjoyment is only possible with a mature understanding of grace, law, and the Lord’s Day. The sabbath is a joy because it tells us that the government of all things is on Christ’s shoulders, not ours. It tells us that God’s grace governs us, not Karma. Hinduism speaks of man’s total responsibility in a godlike sense and hence requires endless reincarnations to make atonement. Our Lord tells us that the sabbath was made for man (Mark 2:27): it is a witness to our creatureliness, to the fact that
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